BMW 327 Cabriolet

Year of manufacture: 1938
First registration: 01.07.1938
Engine-no: 79 XXX
Colour: bicolour red
Interior: Leather red
Mileage: 15,438 km (read off)

Model History
Between 1937 and 1941, a total of 1.224 BMW 327 Cabrio vehicles were built.
The 2-litre engine with 55 hp provided the car with impressive driving performance and allows the car to keep up well in traffic even today.
The BMW 327 is an ideal touring car and, thanks to its reliability, equally suitable for long journeys.

Vehicle History
A few years ago, this vehicle was extensively restored by a specialist workshop for the late father of the current owner, which is documented through invoices. invoices.
At the moment, the engine is removed, disassembled and ready to be ” rebuilt “.
The car is being offered for sale as is. The completion can be carried out by the buyer independently or, if preferred, separately by Feierabend GmbH. Feierabend GmbH beauftragen.
Photo documentation (on paper) of the previous restoration is available, as well as operating instructions and various other documents. Original papers.

Price and further information on request.
Sale takes place by § 25 USt.G (no VAT statement possible).

Unsere Anschrift


Feierabend GmbH
Wilhelm-Wien-Str. 4
97080 Würzburg


Montag – Donnerstag von
07:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr

Freitags von
07:00 Uhr – 14:00 Uhr


+49 (0) 931 / 98 00 50-0


Über uns

Emotionalität und persönliches Interesse sind seit über 60 Jahren unser Antrieb bei der Restaurierung von Klassikern. Höchster Anspruch an Originalität und zeitgemäße Technik ergänzt diese Basis zu einer Philosophie, die eines sichert: Freude am Oldtimer.



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